Sending templated messages

Use a template to send a message

Once you have successfully created a message template, you can use it to send messages through the Dashboard or Messaging API.

Sending templated messages through the Dashboard

Follow these steps to send a message using a predefined template:

  1. Navigate to _Messaging >> Messages >> Create Message _ on your dashboard.
  2. Provide the appropriate details in the next window.


  • Include the recipient's phone number.
  • Select the messaging stream you wish to use to send the message. Visit Using message streams for more information on the different Falu message streams.
  • Select the message template you wish to use to compose your message. For example, we use the otp-docs-test template in the above picture.
  • Input the template's model values. For example, the otp-docs-test template requires an otp_Value, which, when given a value such as 99921, results in the message: "Your new test OTP code is: 99921".
  • Select whether you want to send the message immediately or later.

Sending templated messages using the API

You can send a templated message using Falu's messaging API by making the following POST call:

curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'X-Falu-Version: 2024-06-01' \
     -u "fskt_1234567890:" \
     --data '{
        "to":" ",
            "id":" ",
      "stream":" "

For example, if we defined a template otp-docs-test as follows:

curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'X-Falu-Version: 2024-06-01' \
     -u "fskt_1234567890:" \
     --data '{
      "description":"For documentation reference",
      "body":"Your test OTP code is: {{otp}}"

We would send a message as:

curl -X GET '' \
     -H 'X-Falu-Version: 2024-06-01' \
     -u "fskt_1234567890:" \
     --data '{
       "to": "+254SOME_NUMBER",
       "template": {
         "id": "mtpl_2sx5PxlhkU3iTD2LgXF8dbW2uM3",
         "model": {
           "otp": "99923"
       "stream": "transactional"