Error codes

Common error codes and how to resolve them

Falu uses HTTP response status codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. If a request fails, Falu returns an error using the appropriate status code.

Generally, these status codes can be categorized into three groups:

  • 2xx success status codes confirm that a request worked as expected.
  • 4xx error status codes indicate an error because of the information provided (e.g. a required parameter was omitted, or a referenced object does not exist)
  • 5xx error status codes are rare and indicate an error within Falu's servers.

Some 4xx errors that could be handled programmatically (e.g. insufficient_balance) include a detail - a short string with a brief explanation - as a value for title.

Below is a list of possible error codes that can be returned, along with additional information about how to resolve them. Falu server strictly follows the Problem Details for HTTP APIs standard - RFC7808 for these type of errors.

For convenience, the error's type property is a direct link to the specific error code it corresponds to.


The workspace is in an invalid state and is not allowed to make a request in live mode. Returned when the workspace has been suspended due to billing issues or if the workspace has been suspended due to misuse or fraud investigations.


The request or operation requires one or more features that are currently disabled or have not been enabled for the workspace.


The settings required for a given request in the workspace are invalid, malformed, or lack information required to support the request.


Idempotency key provided is invalid due to length either exceeding 128 characters or containing invalid characters.


Idempotency cannot be performed on this request. Typically returned when the request body does not match the one from an earlier request and hence cannot be made idempotent.


The idempotency key provided is currently being used in another request. Occurs if an integration is making duplicate requests simultaneously.


The account does not have enough funds to perform the request. See the error detail for more information.


The object targeted has already been redacted and cannot be updated.


The object targeted cannot be redacted. Mostly happens when the object's status indicates an operation in progress. To resolve, wait for the operation to complete or fail. See the error detail for more information.


Redaction for the object targeted has already begun and cannot be reinitiated.


The target identity verification could not be found.


The identity verification cannot be updated. Happens when status is not input_required. Try to cancel or redact instead.


The identity verification cannot be cancelled. Happens when status is not input_required. To resolve, wait for processing to complete or to fail and return to the input_required state.


The target customer could not be found.


The target event could not be found.


The event delivery cannot be retried. See the error detail for more information.


The target file could not be found.


The file has already expired and has been purged. It cannot be downloaded or be used to create a link.


The type of content in the file is not allowed. Allowed types are: application/pdf, image/png, image/jpeg, and text/csv.


The file has invalid content. This varies depending on content. See the error detail for more information.


The purpose for which the file was created does not allow downloading or creates unauthenticated links.

The target file link could not be found.

The target file link cannot be updated. Happens when the file link has already expired. To resolve, create a new file link.


The target payment could not be found.


The specified payment cannot be refunded because it has already been refunded, is in the process of being refunded or, is not in a refundable state.


The target payment authorization could not be found.


The payment authorization has already been closed and, thus, cannot be approved or declined. Payment authorizations can only be approved/declined when in pending state.


The target payment refund could not be found.


The target transfer could not be found.


The specified transfer cannot be reversed because it has already been reversed, is in the process of being reversed, or is not in a reversible state.


The target transfer reversal could not be found.


The target message could not be found.


The message cannot be cancelled. Happens when status is not accepted indicating the messages has already been sent or is currently being sent.


The media for the message is invalid. Happens when the file provided is of a different purpose or the URL provided contains a file that does not meet the requirements for message media.


The target message batch could not be found.


The message batch cannot be cancelled. Happens when status is not accepted indicating the messages has already been sent or is currently being sent.


The target message sender could not be found.


The alphanumeric value is already in use by another message sender in the message stream.


The message sender cannot be updated or deleted. See the error detail for more information.


The target message stream could not be found.


The name is already in use by another message stream in the workspace.


The message stream targeted is archived and cannot be used to send messages. Either unarchive it or use another message stream.


The message stream cannot be updated or deleted. Usually applies for default transactional streams.


The target message suppression could not be found.


The message suppression cannot be updated or deleted. See the error detail for more information.


The target message template could not be found.


The content of the message template is invalid.


The alias is already in use by another message template in the workspace.


The total number of messages to be sent exceed the allowed maximum of 1,000. Happens when sending batch messages in which case, check the request to ensure total number of destinations do not exceed the limit.


The message(s) cannot be sent because one of the phone number destinations is suppressed. Either delete the suppression and resubmit the request or remove the flagged destination as described in the error detail.


The target terminal configuration targeted could not be found.


The terminal configuration cannot be updated or deleted. See the error detail for more information.


The target terminal location targeted could not be found.


The terminal location cannot be updated or deleted. See the error detail for more information.


The target device configuration targeted could not be found.


The provided activation token is invalid because it is either malformed or has expired. Check your device for a new one.


The target device has already been activated. You may need to delete the device in test/live mode before creating it in the desired mode. If you have another workspace, you may want to delete the device from it before you can use it in another workspace.


The target device is currently in use for another operation. You can check the current_task node of the TerminalDevice to see what the device is currently working on.


The target device is currently offline and cannot be used to process/handoff tasks.


Handing off a task to the target device failed. See the error detail for more information.


The target visitor destination targeted could not be found.


The visitor destination cannot be updated or deleted. See the error detail for more information.


The target visitor targeted could not be found.


The visitor cannot be updated or deleted. See the error detail for more information.


The target visit targeted could not be found.


The visit is already started. Either end the visit or create a new one.


The visit is not yet started. Certain operations require the visit to be started. For example, you can only end a visit that has been started.


The visit is already ended. An ended visit is in terminal state and cannot be ended again.


The visit requires a destination to be supplied at entry/start if none was supplied on creation.


The target webhook endpoint targeted could not be found.