Rate limits

Learn about API rate limits and how to work with them

Falu's API rate limits requests in order to prevent abuse and overload of services. Users who send many requests in quick succession may see aa 429 error response.

Falu employs a rate limiter that constrains the number of requests received by the API within any given second. Falu allows up to 100 read operations per second and 100 write operations per second in both live and test modes.


As shown above, there are three key fields of note in the rate limit header:

RateLimit-Remaining: 99

RateLimit-Limit: 1, 100;w=60

RateLimit-Reset: 11/21/2021 09:25:10

These properties are defined as below:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit

    The number of requests that have been made and can be made within 60 seconds.

  • X-RateLimit-Remaining

    The number of remaining requests that can be made.

  • X-RateLimit-Reset

    The time at which the rate limit resets.

These limits should be treated as maximums. If you suddenly see a rising number of rate limited requests, please contact Falu Support.

While these limits are the default limits in Falu's APIs, we may reduce or increase them to prevent abuse or enable high-traffic applications, respectively. To request an increased rate limit, please contact Falu Support.

Common causes of rate limit errors

Rate limiting can occur under a variety of conditions, but itโ€™s most common in these scenarios:

  • Running a large volume of closely-spaced requests, as happens during an analytical or migration operation. When engaging in these activities, you should try to control the request rate on the client side.
  • A sudden increase in traffic volume. We try to set our rates high enough that the vast majority of users are never rate limited for legitimate traffic, but if you suspect that an upcoming event might push you over the limits listed above, please contact us.

Handling rate limits

1. The basic way

A basic technique for integrations to gracefully handle limiting is to watch for 429 status error codes and build in a retry mechanism. We advise that you monitor the limit returned to you as part of the Falu client, so youโ€™re always aware of what it is. This can be done through the provided X-RateLimit-Reset value which indicates when your current rate count will be reset. You can use this to assess when itโ€™s safe to retry your request.

2. Randomization

While the reset option is one way to deal with rate limiting, you may want more granular control over your rate limit handling. For example, you might have a specific retry timeframe that you want to follow and not wait for the minute window to pass for your entire rate limit to be reset. If you want more control over your rate limiting handling, you can check for the specific rate limit error returned and use some form of randomization in the back-off calculation. The retry mechanism should follow an exponential back-off schedule to reduce request volume when necessary.

3. Control traffic to Falu

You can only optimize individual requests to a limited degree, so an even more sophisticated approach would be to control traffic to Falu at a global level, and throttle it back if you detect substantial rate limiting. A common technique for controlling rate limiting is to implement something like a token bucket rate limiting algorithm on the client-side. You can find ready-made and mature implementations for token bucket in various programming languages.