How verifications work

The status and lifecycle of IdentityVerifications

Falu Identity's verification flows are asynchronous, making them complex to manage as they rely on external customer interactions with your application. IdentityVerifications, which are Falu's programmatic representation of a verification, keep track of the verification flow and, in doing so, simplify their management.

An IdentityVerification can take the following statuses through its lifecycle:


Session events

Events are created every time an IdentityVerification session changes status. Below is a full list of the IdentityVerification event types.

identity_verification.createdThe session was created.
identity_verification.processingThe user has successfully submitted their information, and verification checks have started processing.
identity_verification.verifiedProcessing of all the verification checks have completed, and they have all been successfully verified.
identity_verification.input_requiredProcessing of all the verification checks have completed, and at least one of the checks failed.
identity_verification.cancelledThe session has been canceled, and future submission attempts have been disabled. This event is sent when a session is either cancelled or redacted.
identity_verification.redactedThe session was redacted. To access this event type, you must create a webhook endpoint that explicitly subscribes to it, as webhook endpoints that subscribe to all events will not include this event type.