Working with message batches

Bundling and sending high-volume messages as a 'batch'

Sometimes, you may need to send a message to several recipients at once i.e. in a batch.

To facilitate this, Falu provides a message-batches endpoint that allows you to send up to 1,000 messages in one API call.

You can use message batches in the following use cases:

  • Announce a new product or service.
  • Generate alerts.
  • Send confirmation messages or reminders for appointments, reservations, and purchases at scale.
  • Recommend products to customers.

How do message batches work?

Generally, a batch comprises a message meant for a group of related recipients. For example, if you have a product announcement that you wish to broadcast to your customers, you would compose a message body and send it through Falu's message-batches endpoint. You can compose the message body from scratch or use an existing template.

The general syntax of a POST request to send a message batch is:

curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'X-Falu-Version: 2024-06-01' \
     -u "fskt_1234567890:" \
     --data '{
           "stream": "transactional",
           "messages": [
                   "tos": [ "+254recipient1", "+254recipient2" ],
                   "body": "YOUR_MESSAGE_BODY"

Alternatively, if you wish to use an existing template, you would do so as follows:

curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'X-Falu-Version: 2024-06-01' \
     -u "fskt_1234567890:" \
     --data '{
         "stream": "transactional",
         "messages": [
                 "tos": [ "+254recipient1", "+254recipient2" ],
                 "template": {
                     "id": "TEMPLATE_ID",
                     "model": {
                         "key": "value"

Message batches are best used for marketing purposes. For more details, check Sending marketing messages.